

shelly - 教學報 | 2011-03-22 | 點閱數: 1479
 在地人領隊,說自己的台南城市故事--旅行台南,發現旅遊書沒說的台南生活滋味。   探索城市,不只因為趣味! 移動、旅行、觀察與拜訪,親自走過城市,才會發現她的坡度、紋理以及生活故事。 這裡的每一段旅程,都是一種生活方式,是城市生活者的移動路線;每一次的旅行,也都是一種生活思索,是人與土地的互動。9種路線、9種觀點,經緯編織成台南城市生活地圖。     你的生活方式,就是你的生活版圖! 旅行城市,用你的足跡,定義自己的生活地,說自己的故事,如果可以,也為她做點甚麼。 領隊:在地資深生活觀察者兼各行業工作者領隊,分享城市獨到觀點、生活感受及幽默... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2011-03-18 | 點閱數: 1490
  {在亭仔腳辦作品發表會! 台南社大寫作班師生傳達人人可欣賞的庶民文學以及寫作的生活能量。    台南社大公民新聞寫作班師生將一學期的採訪報導成果,自費編印成《土道TO  DO》刊物,試印量不到100份,並以39元分享價與大眾分享,不料本刊物竟廣受歡迎,目前刊物將印製第2刷! 《土道TO  DO》刊物內容記錄台南社大「在城市中行路見學--公民寫作」師生走訪包括:旗袍店、機車店、塌塌米等台南生活產業及資深工作者的採訪寫作成果,每一位學員從個人的生活歷練出發,探索城市庶民生活,轉化為筆尖的情感,開展出「在城市中行路見學... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2011-03-08 | 點閱數: 1058
shelly - 教學報 | 2011-02-20 | 點閱數: 197
歷屆社團幹部 98/7/1-99/6/30 黃靖宸 社長、林玉雪 副社長 99/7/1-100/6/30 黃靖宸 社長、林玉雪 副社長 100/7/1-101/6/30 黃靖宸 社長、林玉雪 副社長 100-0220社團"幸福拍賣"會議暨春酒 民國100年2月20日 下午3:00 傳晟國際會議廳 主席:胖胖宸 簽到:小琪、小金剛、百慕達、阿銘、斐琇、小草莓、英古力、志玲姊姊、貴夫人、笑長K 會議開始: 第一階段: 展示要拍賣的物品… 小草莓:除了毛線編織班所編織的圍巾,其他似乎比較不具意義,應該是班級或社團的作品之類的... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2011-01-05 | 點閱數: 82
Welcom to the first Blog entry in the New Year. A nice 2011 to all of you :) On the 31. January I went to a trip to the former Tainan County to show some journalists the problems of electric arc furnace slag and it’s usage in road building. link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-NOTGy7Ymd... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-12-21 | 點閱數: 95
link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-gD3 ... JQA/s500/1290411446_0.jpg Another part of my work is to attend press conferences like the one on Friday 15th of October. We went to a beach near Tainan to meet the journalists there, to show them the pollution an... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-12-20 | 點閱數: 160
Last week I helped to prepare lighters collected in the coastal cleanup to be shipped for research about the floating of lighters and trash in general in the South-Asian Sea. link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0Sm ... P1s/s500/1292827526_0.jpg My part ... 觀看完整文章
教學報 shelly - 教學報 | 2010-12-10 | 點閱數: 158
This Wednesday I made a trip to the mountain area of Alishan to see the landslides from the latest Taifuns. link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-O7y ... mrM/s500/1291987599_0.jpg I have to say it is a magnificent scenery there. The fog hanging over the g... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-12-03 | 點閱數: 61
link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-0hj ... LsQ/s500/1291365813_0.jpg As some of you might already have noticed, since the beginning of the week, there is a red decorated thing with presents on it in the office. This is a originally German tradition that... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-12-01 | 點閱數: 125
Posted on 2010 年 12 月 01 日 如何當一名公民記者(聯合報記者鄭朝陽) 11/28台江社區大學志工的進階培訓,特別邀請來聯合報資深記者鄭朝陽先生來跟我們主講公民記者寫作,茂成老師基於不浪費資源的考量下,特地開放台江民俗文化工作坊的學員參加。(哇!真是全國電子—救肝心A!老書啊!謝謝蛤!) 啊娘為!老師那也加帥!如果每一次都請這種孝廉A來上課厚!偶家以後都會沒有速啦!不但偶來偶女兒也會來啦! 很帥的老師也要有很認真聽講的學生才行,我要開始認真囉! 鄭記者首先分享關於他本身採訪海砂屋的經驗:剛開始是一則無意間看到的新聞,到大膽假設是... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-11-28 | 點閱數: 147
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-11-23 | 點閱數: 86
  2010 年 11 月 22 日 Hi there Everyone likes Chocolate! Because of that and because Chocolate is a very Swiss thing I decided to share those diffrent Chocolate-Dishes with you. I will upload one Chocolate-Recipe a day. The recipes are published on the Internet by Switzerland Tourism. Hope... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-11-22 | 點閱數: 76
KPICASA_GALLERY(username:指定picasa用戶帳號)This is an extract of the article: «Strassenschluchten und Bergwiesen» by David Torcasso;  translated and paraphrased by Lukas Bieri Published in the 20Minuten on Wednesday the 17. November2010 (published in German) Street canyons and mountain meadows TAIPEH.... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-11-22 | 點閱數: 1456
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-11-22 | 點閱數: 147
Some of you might already know that I cooked some Swiss dishes for lunch. link to https://tncomu.tw/uploads/tadnews/image/1290411055_0.jpg In this entry I bring you some pictures, but more importantly the English recipes for the two desserts: Chocolate Cream (4P) Put 1 tablespoon of corn sta... 觀看完整文章
shelly - 教學報 | 2010-11-06 | 點閱數: 119
In the same week I also attended a conference by the Environmental Protection Bureau Tainan about the problem of Styrofoam cups and possible alternatives. Besides the Government officials there were also a lot of the Tea-Shop owners and NGO representatives attendant. 7 This was a very interestin... 觀看完整文章
教學報 shelly - 教學報 | 2010-10-28 | 點閱數: 139
Poetry Festival 28十月 On Sunday the 17th I have been to a poetry festival in the farmland part of Tainan.   It took place in a outer part of Tainan City and started at the local temple. Most of the participants were school classes and their parents. We were guided around the are... 觀看完整文章


