admin - 公共社群 | 2009-12-17 | 點閱數: 4951

Posted by Mamba on 2009/11/2 15:30:00 (705 reads) | Posted on Modules The CK2 Club is a computer club in Tainan City (Taiwan) dedicated to XOOPS (read more here).

The recent module they developed is xBooking - an Online Booking module, which was made for a charitable organization. It was written by Kimozi, the CK2 Club leader, and the theme of website is designed by Jack (he was once a newspaper art editor).

https://www.xoops.org/uploads/screens/screen_xBooking.jpg");">Open in new window

Download: Here

Congratulations to the CK2 Club, and thank you for your contributions to XOOPS!!!


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