shelly - 教學報 | 2010-01-10 | 點閱數: 223


2011 年 01 月 10 日

On Friday we prepared many different dishes for a Brunch (Breakfast and Lunch) in the backing classroom. 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-SRW ... uAM/s500/1294644040_0.jpg

Following you see pictures of the preparing on Friday and the Brunch on Saturday. 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-W-X ... h0M/s500/1294644052_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-cSA ... IQk/s500/1294644063_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mE- ... u6E/s512/1294644076_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-F7g ... _Kw/s500/1294644086_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Ovc ... BEc/s500/1294644098_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Wra ... eiE/s500/1294644108_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-xpZ ... C_4/s512/1294644124_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YN1 ... -vc/s500/1294644147_0.jpg

Backing Cookies

2010 年 12 月 27 日

Backing CookiesBacking Cookieslink to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YN1 ... -vc/s500/1294644147_0.jpg

Last Friday (on Christmas eve)I had the opportunity to bake Christmas cookies. I was glad to have so much help because after writing down all the recipes I knew that it will be a lot of work. 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jP1 ... 4lU/s500/1293458373_0.jpg

After lunch we started baking and completed nearly all the recipes. 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-5Mp ... 60I/s500/1293458391_0.jpg

Stirring egg white, melting chocolate, rolling pastry, kneading dough, stirring in bowls, baking cookies. 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-_ZN ... ElY/s500/1293458402_0.jpg

What more can you expect on Charismas :) 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-dDx ... Of0/s512/1293458412_0.jpg 點擊在新視窗中瀏覽此圖片link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yWt ... W90/s500/1293458422_0.jpg

Being a vegetarian in Taiwan

2011 年 09 月 07 日


It seems perhaps kind of boring to talk about food again, as my predecessors have already treated this subject sufficiently, but they didn’t see it from the angle of someone who is limited in their choice. And in addition to that, it may be also a prejudice, but I have experienced that food seems to be an important thing here in Taiwan. This is not only proved by the countless street shops that sell all kinds of different food, but even in the language this topic is well established, as in Taiwanese it is common to greet each other with the question:”Are you full?” as an equivalent to our “Hello”, but they really want to know and are seriously concerned if you have already eaten or are hungry. Actually it is a very kind and warm way to regard someone upon an encounter! Before I came to Taiwan, I had been a bit worried about my nutrition there, as I had heard that the people there traditionally eat a lot of meat. Now that I am here I must admit that I learned for me that this assumption is partially true. In the restaurants and at the street seller’s shops, the main part of the dishes contain meat and it is not always easy to find a vegetarian one, or the choice is very limited. But if I compare that with my experience as a vegetarian in Germany, I have to say that there is not much difference. In Germany, the choice in restaurants and shops that sell prepared food, the choice is also not very big for someone who eats neither meat nor fish. The main difference between the difficulties of being a vegetarian in Germany and in Taiwan for me is, that here I don’t cook much, as in my environment it is more usual to buy the already prepared food in one of the many food shops and prepare the food only one time a day yourself. In this way I can’t decide so much myself, what I eat, but I am dependant on what is offered, which is a disadvantage as well it is more convenient. And the food sold here often can’t be compared with what we are used to buy in Germany, for that is often what deserves the term ”fast food” whereas what is offered here is in many cases of a much higher quality. Furthermore, in Germany there may in greater cities often be a few vegetarian restaurants, which is rather very seldom in Taiwan, as far as I have been told, but in exchange to that it is sometimes more easy to eat vegetarian in a normal restaurant here. That is often possible thanks to the common and popular way of eating here, that is in many cases more similar to the buffet we know, for. ex. the typical hotpot or the barbecue, where you can choose from a huge offer of ingredients yourself that you want to prepare, and here the great advantage is, that you can get besides many different vegetables a lot of different kinds of tofu, eggs and pasta, and the rice never misses in such a meal, so you are not in danger of starving! Besides, Taiwan is the fruit country, you can get fresh and juicy fruits all year, because one has always season ^^! 天堂對不對?cool And in which common German restaurant you get such a great variety of alternatives to meat?All we normally come up with is cheese, and to be honest, I’m not very fond of it! And in addition to that, I have found a vegetarian street shop here that offers a lot of different vegetables and tofu as well as of course rice and pasta! Another observation I have made that for religious reasons, some people here don’t eat meat on the first day and in the middle of the Chinese lunar month. That is much more often than the Christians, who only, and not a lot of people, resign from eating meat on Good Friday. So I think in some ways being a vegetarian in Taiwan is even easier than in Germany, but it is hard to tell. In any case it is not in any way as complicated as I had expected it to be! link to https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-5iN ... u6U/s640/1315375980_1.jpg link to https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-G_Z ... sgo/s640/1315375980_2.jpg link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-jlG ... puk/s640/1315375980_3.jpg link to https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-gxG ... KF4/s512/1315376122_0.jpg link to https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-wTj ... p1A/s259/1315375980_4.jpg  


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