admin - 公共社群 | 2009-12-17 | 點閱數: 4404

Posted by Mamba on 2009/11/2 15:10:00 (682 reads) | Posted on XOOPS

One of the strongest XOOPS centers in Taiwan is around Tainan City, thanks to several dedicated programmers from there. One of them, Hong Kai Wu (Tad), who recently received a XOOPS Innovator Award, is a teacher at a local Community College. Three years ago he started teaching XOOPS course every Thursday night at the college, which became very popular. The course content focuses on building a website with XOOPS, XOOPS themes design and XOOPS module development.

Two years ago some of the students interested in XOOPS established CK2 club, focusing on XOOPS, with currently about 20-30 people. Kimozi (in real life a travel agency owner) is the club leader, and Tad is the instructor for the club. ... /844_m_DSC_6018.jpg");">Open in new window ... /390_m_DSC_0143.JPG");">Open in new window

They get together to program, but also to celebrate birthdays or other occasions - a true community spirit!

If you want to share any XOOPS news from your country/region, please let us know. We want to learn about it....

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